If you are a Forever Fan business owner, fill out the form below to have your business added to the Forever Fans Alumni Business Directory.
Thank you for submitting your business information. We will contact you shortly.
Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group reserves the right to refuse to post Alumni Business Directory listings for any reason at any time. Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group may remove content that it determines in its sole discretion is offensive, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene or otherwise objectionable or violates any party's intellectual property or these Terms and Conditions.
By submitting a business listing, you warrant that the business described in that listing is owned by an alumnus of the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group and that the information submitted is accurate to the best of your knowledge. Information submitted to the Directory may be accessed by individuals who are not affiliated with Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group. Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group does not endorse or make any other representations concerning any of the businesses registered on the Directory.
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